Canada Work Visa

Streamlining Pathways: The Latest Express Entry Draw Updates 2024.


The Express Entry Draw is a faster way to immigrate to Canada and enjoy the privileges and rights of a Canadian citizen. As we all know, Canadian immigration is continuously evolving to make the process smoother and inclusive for everyone. They welcome people from all over the world to enjoy the beautiful country and fulfill their dreams.

Let’s dive into the latest Express Entry Draw and Canadian Citizenship Visa updates.

Understanding Express Entry Draw

Express Entry Draw is an online application management process for skilled workers who want to settle in Canada permanently. It is the fastest way for foreigners to immigrate to Canada. The process is based on a point-based system called the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). Eligible candidates are selected based on their skills, language proficiency, experience, nomination, and employment status. 

The highest CRS scores are selected from the applications received in each Express Entry Draw. 

Latest Express Entry Draw Updates

Things to Remember

For the Canada Express Entry Draw, the following things must be noted:

  • Cost: CAD 2300 per applicant,  4,500 for couples
  • Latest Express Entry Draw CRS Score: 365
  • Approval Time: 6-8 months
  • Duration of Residence: 5 years

A Closer Look at the New Category-based Invitation Rounds

  • Work Experience & French language proficiency
  • Healthcare
  • STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
  • Transport
  • Trade (plumbers, contractors and carpenters)
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food

 Types Of Express Entry Draws

In the Express Entry system, Immigration Refugees and Canadian Citizens Canada hold different types of invitation rounds throughout the year. Let’s discuss 3 express entry draws:

  • General round of invitation

In the general round, candidates from various programs such as the Federal skilled worker program. The Canadian experience class and Provincial nominee program are considered for an invitation. In this round top-ranking candidates are invited to apply. 

  • Program-specific rounds of invitation

In this round, they target specific immigration programs or streams. These rounds invite candidates who get the highest CRS scores in specific programs.

  • Category-based round of invitation: 

The minister of immigration targets specific categories or groups of candidates. These categories can include education, occupation and language proficiency. It is an opportunity for top-ranking candidates in the pool who meet specific criteria and have skills that are in demand in Canada.

What are the points required for Canada Express Entry?

Applicants must score at least 67 points out of 100.It’s important to note that the CRS score is based on different factors such as age,work experience,language,education, and more.

How can I apply for Express Entry Canada?

Follow the steps given below to apply for Canada Express Entry:

  • Find out if you are eligible
  • Prepare documents
  • Submit application
  • Receive an ITA and apply for a PR visa

Should I need a consultant for Canada PR or Express Entry? 

No, it’s not important if you apply without a consultant. However preparing and understanding the visa process are complex. A consultant like Canada Work Visa can provide guidance and support and increase the chances of a successful application.

What is the predicted next Express Entry Draw?

IRCC has not published the exact date for the next Express Entry Draw. For the latest updates check the official IRCC website.

What next after receiving an express entry invitation?
After receiving the ITA ,it is time to celebrate and apply for Canadian immigration. You have to complete your application within 60 days. After applying through the IRCC portal, you will patiently await the final decision.if you want more information contact us on our different visa bundles.

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